Prasanth Varma came in limelight after delivering his debut Awe in which Kajal Aggarwal and Nithya Menen played the lead roles. Later he came up with an action thriller movie Kalki which failed to attract the movie lovers. Since some days audiences are asking the director Prasanth Varma for the sequel of Awe. A few months back he had posted in social media that script work of Awe 2 is completed. We have already reported that Prasanth Varma is also working for his next film based on Coronavirus. The shoot of the movie was started shooting before the lockdown was imposed in India and according to the latest update, almost 40 percent of the shoot is completed.
Today morning Prasanth Varma took to his twitter to unveil the motion poster, which is terrifying and resembles a lot of our tough situations going on currently. The poster says Corona was just the beginning. Coming on the poster, a monster’s mouth is seen full of blood in it. Dead bodies are also seen on the road and the backdrop clearly indicates that it is KondaReddy Buruju center. The director Prasanth Varma also reveals that the Corona vaccine will come.
The coronavirus originated in China towards the end of 2019 and has spread across the world rapidly killing thousands.
New film.. new genre! Hope u all like it.
Motion Poster #VaccineVasthundi
— Prasanth Varma 4.0 (@PrasanthVarma) May 29, 2020
Credit: Twitter
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