A few days ago, Natural Star Nani made an official announcement regarding his upcoming flick Shyam Singha Roy, which will be helmed by Rahul Sankrityn, who made his directorial debut with the young and happening actor Vijay Deverakonda starrer Taxiwala. Recently released title reveal video hinted at it being a periodic film. Shyam Singha Roy – SSR, will be produced by Suryadevara Naga Vamsi, and it will go on floors in the month of May. According to the latest buzz in the film industry, Nani has bought the story of Shyam Singha Roy by paying Rs 50 Lakhs, which is based on the theme of reincarnation.
The reports are coming that a senior manager who is working with an audio company in Hyderabad is said to have penned the story of Nani starrer upcoming film Shyam Singha Roy and sold it to Gentleman star for Rs 50 lakhs. As Nani was very impressed with it’s the storyline, he paid a huge amount to the manager.
Nani starrer Shyam Singha Roy will have three female leads and the makers have already approached Sai Pallavi as one of the female leads. The movie is slated for a 25th December release.
Meanwhile, Nani is busy in his upcoming film, V, which is being directed by Mohan Krishna Indraganti. Nani is also reuniting with his Ninnu Kori director Shiva Nirvana for Tuck Jagadish.
from GOSSIPS – Tollywood https://ift.tt/2PXC6pC