Geetha Govindam fame director Parasuram is on the ninth cloud as he is going to work with Telugu Superstar Mahesh Babu. According to the latest buzz in the film industry, the story of Parasuram’s film deals with Mahesh Babu’s mother working in a bank. A big tycoon takes crores of Rupees from Mahesh’s mother bank and does not repay it. Mahesh Babu, who resides in the USA comes in contact with the same business tycoon’s daughter and makes her fall in love and when she urges to marry him, he asks her to repay the loan taken by her father from his mother’ bank.
It seems Parasuram’s film is based on Vijay Mallya’s kind of business who took money from the banks and never repaid it.
A few days ago, it was also heard that Parasuram getting to direct Chiranjeevi in the Lucifer remake. Also, we heard that he may be teaming up with Young Rebel Star Prabhas and is readying a script for him and that the director is expected to give a complete narration to the star as soon as the script work is done.
Meanwhile, Parasuram is busy with Akkineni Naga Chaitanya starrer which is bankrolled by 14 Reels Plus. While Parasuram is busy with the preparatory work, Chaitu will be completing Shekar Kammula’s directorial venture, Love Story.
from GOSSIPS – Tollywood