We have already reported that Natural Star Nani has teamed up with the director Rahul Sankrityayan who made Taxiwala starring the young and happening actor Vijay Deverakonda. The upcoming film Shyama Singa Roy of Nani and Rahul Sankrityayan will be produced by Sithara Entertainments. Now according to the latest update, the makers have roped in Shyama Singa Roy one of the top cinematographers in India Nirav Shah in Nani starrer. Nirav Shah has worked in many Tamil movies including 2.0. Nirav was seen in a few Bollywood movies, including one starring Akshay Kumar. He has also been the part of Telugu movie Size Zero.
Taxiwala director Rahul Sankrityayan is asking for best possible technicians from India for Nani starrer Shyama Singa Roy which has a Kolkata backdrop. The reports are coming that Rahul is also planning to rope in Oscar award winning music composer AR Rahman as music composer. The film Shyama Singa Roy will have three female leads and the makers have already roped in Sai Pallavi as one of the leads.
On the otherside, Nani is waiting for the release of Mohana Krishna Indraganti’ directorial venture V which also has Sudheer Babu, Nivetha Thomas and Aditi Rao Hydari in the lead roles.
After the V, Nani also has Tuck Jagadish, which will be released either in the month of June or July.
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