After delivering Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy, Megastar Chiranjeevi started to work with Koratala Siva for an upcoming film, which is titled Acharya. Currently the shoot of Acharya is going on at the brisk pace. According to the latest buzz in the film industry, the makers have roped Mohan Babu to play the role of main villain in this upcoming film of Chiranjeevi. Mohan Babu recently did a photoshoot and the pic showcase his new look. Many people are believing that he got into this look for Chiranjeevi’ film. This news is going viral on the social media.
Megastar Chiranjeevi will be seen as temple officials who fights against corruption in temple authorities. Although there is no official confirmation yet, it is being heard that Collection king Mohan Babu will be seen playing a negative role. Mohan Babu is acting in no other film except for Suriya starrer upcoming film ‘Aakasham Nee Haddura’. Let’s wait for the official announcement from ‘Acharya’ team regarding the inclusion of Mohan Babu.
Mohan Babu and Chiranjeevi are good friends and have already worked together in the past. Acharya starring Chiranjeevi is being bankrolled by Mega Power Star Ram Charan under the banner of Konidela productions. It has also come out that Trisha Krishnan will play the female lead and Regina Cassandra will be seen shaking leg for special song.
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