After delivering successful movie F2 Fun and Frustration starring Varun Tej and Venkatesh Daggubati, the director Anil Ravipudi and Dil Raju have decided to come up with its Sequel- F3. Anil Ravipudi is very close to Mahesh Babu and recently duo delivered ‘Sarileru Neekevvaru’, which emerged blockbuster at the box office. Now according to the latest buzz in the film industry, Mahesh Babu will make his screen presence in Anil Ravipudi’ upcoming directorial venture F3 which has Venkatesh and Varun Tej in the lead roles.
As per grapevine, Mahesh Babu will be entering in F3 and take the film to another level. He will be seen for 40 minutes in the film as per sources. The fans and the movie lovers are very excited to see Mahesh Babu in an energetic avatar once again.
Anil Ravipudi is currently busy readying script for the film F3. Recently there was a strong buzz in the film industry, that Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja would be playing the other role bringing in more fun but now the sources claims that Anil Ravipudi is planning to rope Mahesh Babu in the special powerful role. Let’s wait for the official announcement regarding the inclusion of Mahesh Babu in this film.
On the other side, Dil Raju’ production venture Jaanu starring Sharwanand and Samantha has arrived at the theaters on 7th February.
from GOSSIPS – Tollywood