Naga Shaurya is currently busy with upcoming film Ashwathama, which is directed by debutante Ramana Teja and bankrolled by Usha Mulpuri under the banner of Ira Creations. Mehreen Pirzada is on the board to play the love interest of Naga Shaurya in the film. It also has Sargun Kaur in an important role. Today on the occasion of Sankranthi, the makers of Ashwathama, released a news poster that showcases Aswathama family celebrating the marriage of the male lead (Naga Shaurya)’s sister. The poster also features Naga Shaurya, Mehreen Pirzada, and Prince.
Aswathama is being directed by newcomer Ramana Teja. It was bankrolled by Naga Shaurya’ parents Shankar Prasad and Usha Mulpuri under the banner of IRA Creations. Ashwathama is an intelligent investigative thriller drama and currently the film is in post production stage. The movie Aswathama will be released on 31st August 2020.
Apart from Ashwathama, Naga Shaurya will also be seen in Mooga Manasulu. The film is bankrolled by Sithara Entertainment and directed by debut director Lakshmi Sowjanya. Sources say that it is a family entertainer. Plans are on to release this film Mooga Manasulu for summer 2020.
Naga Shaurya was last seen in Oh Baby in which Samantha Akkineni played the lead role. The film turned out to be a box-office success with positive reviews pouring in. Directed by Nandini Reddy, Oh Baby is the official remake of the South Korean comedy drama Miss Granny.
Wish you all a very Happy Sankranti, May your life be blessed with happiness.
– Team #Aswathama#Sankrati2020 @IamNagashaurya @Mehreenpirzada @RamanaTeja9 @SricharanPakala @adityamusic— Ira Creations (@ira_creations) January 15, 2020
Credit: Twitter
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