The young Tiger Jr NTR and Ram Charan are working together for Baahubali film maker SS Rajamouli’s upcoming big budget directorial venture RRR. It is known news that in the month of October, Rajamouli met fitness trainer Lloyd Stevens for Young Tiger Jr NTR. Both Rajamouli and Lloyd Stevens discussed about the look of Jr NTR. He helped Jr NTR get a stunning makeover in Trivikram Srinivas’s directorial venture Aravinda Sametha Veera Raghava in which Tarak surprised the audience with his six-pack look. Jr NTR first sported his six pack look with Puri Jagannadh’s Temper. Lloyd Stevens is the man who helped Jr NTR to reduce the weight. Once again Rajamouli brought Lloyd Stevens on the board for Jr NTR. Lloyd Stevens took to his Twitter to confirm that the training of Jr NTR has been completed.
Lloyd Stevens tweeted, “Hey guys! So @tarak9999 training for @RRRMovie is now completed and as always thanks to his dedication and hard working ethic I’m certain you will all be blown away with Jr NTR’ look.” A netizen wrote, “We haven’t seen any muscular body of him in off screen pics till now…expected lot and expectations are high…#FingersCrossed Had to wait #RRRMovie #KomaramBheemNTR.”
Earlier, the makers of RRR confirmed that the big budget entertainer will hit the theatres in multiple languages on 30th July, 2020. However, rumors are doing the rounds that the film RRR which is on the verge of completion, is probably getting postponed to October 2020. As of now, neither SS Rajamouli nor producer DVV Danayya have spoken about the film RRR new release date. Going by the reports, the makers of RRR might make the announcement in the coming days. RRR also has Ray Stevenson, Olivia Morris and Alison Doody are also the part of RRR, which is bankrolled by DVV Danayya.
Hey guys! So @tarak9999 training for @RRRMovie is now completed and as always thanks to his dedication and hard working ethic I’m certain you will all be blown away with his look Stay tuned #KomaramBheemNTR #RRRMovie
— Lloyd Stevens (@lloydstevenspt) January 18, 2020
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