Varalakshmi Sharat Kumar, daughter of popular actor Sharat Kumar has already made her mark in Kollywood. Though she debuted in the film Poda Podi which stars Simbu in the lead role, her first break came with her character in Vikram Vedha which stars Madhavan and Vijay Sethupati in lead roles. After that, there is no looking back for her. Plus point with Varalakshmi Sharat Kumar is that she hasn’t confined her to only lead roles but she plays important roles if she finds the character worthy. This has made her the most sought after actress in Kollywood.
However, Varalakshmi has to wait for a long time to get a chance from Telugu films. She is already a known face in Telugu with films like Maari 2, Pandem Kodi 2, Sarkar, etc., On top of that, she dubs herself in Telugu as well. Her debut Telugu project Tenali Ramakrishna BA BL is releasing today. It is said that she has an interesting role in the movie which is primarily an out and out comedy entertainer. Sundeep Kishan will be seen as a lawyer in the movie who finds it tough to find a case. Hansika is playing the female lead. How his life turns out if an interesting case got in his way is the story. G Nageswara Reddy, a comedy movie specialist is handling this movie. We have to wait and see how Varalakshmi’s debut Telugu project pans out.
Other than Tenali Ramakrishna, Varalakshmi Sharat Kumar has been roped in a crucial role in Raviteja’s 66th film which will be directed by Gopichand Malineni. The shoot of this flick will start later this month. Shruti Hassan is playing the female lead in this movie which is being made based on real incidents. Madhu is producing the flick while SS Thaman is the music director. Will Varalakshmi get busy with these flicks in Telugu?
from GOSSIPS – Tollywood