Yesterday on the occasion of Children’s day, Nani shared a pic of him with his son Arjun. Within a few hours, the pic went viral on social media. Nani is saying that when you have a child, shut up or they will!” Coming on the pic, Arjun is seen putting his leg on his dad Nani’s mouth playfully. It seems by sharing this pic, Nani is trying to send the messages to all the fathers.
Natural Star Nani is leading a happy life in professional as well as personal life. Gang Leader star Nani has a close attachment to his son Arjun. MCA star is not only an amazing actor but also a proud father who makes sure to spend time with his son despite busy with the shooting of his films. Nani never fails to treat his fans with some cute pics of him with son Arjun.
Nani and wife Anjana Yelavarthy were dating each other for 5 years before they got married in the year 2012. The couple was blessed with a baby boy in the month of March 2017.
On the work side, Nani was last seen in crime comedy-drama Gang Leader, which is directed by Vikram Kumar, in which he shared the screen space with Priyanka Arul Mohan. This film marked the debut of Priyanka Arul Mohan in Tollywood. RX 100 Love and Hippi fame Kartikeya played the lead role. Though the movie received a positive response by the movie lovers and critics on its opening day but turned out commercially flop at the box office.
Currently, Nani is busy in his next upcoming flick V, where he is playing a negative role. The film, which is being directed by Mohana Krishna Indraganti, also has Sudheer Babu, who is playing a cop. Aditi Rao Hydari and Nivetha Thomas are playing the female leads.
When you have a child, better shut up or they will!#DadLife #HappyChildrensDay
— Nani (@NameisNani) November 14, 2019
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