Telugu Superstar Mahesh Babu and Tamil star Thala Ajith are two stars who have a humongous fan base around the world. Whenever their films hit the screens, their fans create an unprecedented buzz on social media. And now, the fans of both the top star heroes have pulled off a sensational feat on Twitter. As 2019 is coming to an end, Twitter revealed the five most influential moments in 2019. Thala Ajith has topped this list whereas Mahesh Babu is on fourth place. Thala Ajith starrer #Viswasam stood in the first place, which was released on the occasion of Pongal whereas Mahesh Babu starrer #Maharshi, directed by Vamsi Paidiapally, secured the fourth position among the top 5 India trends. In this film Pooja Hegde played the female lead and Allari Naresh made his screen presence in the role of their friend. #LokSabhaElections2019, #CWC19 and #HappyDiwali are the 2nd, 3rd and the 5th most popular hashtags respectively.
Maharshi was Mahesh Babu’ 25th film, which was released during the summer and opened to a fantastic response from both critics and viewers. Maharshi was made on the budget of Rs 90 crore, but the movie has grossed over Rs 175 crore at the global box-office in its full run. Maharshi is based on the friendship and farmers’ issues in the country. The movie Maharshi inspired few citizens to take up weekend agriculture as a hobby to support farming.
The hashtags (#Maharshi, #Viswasam) are used by Twitterati in their posts, which made it trend on Twitter. As soon as the news went viral, fans of both the stars- Mahesh Babu and Thala Ajith are trending it on Twitter.
Mahesh Babu starrer social message oriented drama Maharshi is jointly produced by Dil Raju, C Ashwini Dutt, and PVP through their production companies Sri Venkateswara Creations, Vyjayanthi Movies, and PVP Cinema.
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