Stylish Star Allu Arjun who was last seen on the big screen a year back in Naa Peru Surya, Naa Illu India, is in news all over for his upcoming romantic and family entertainer Ala Vaikunthapuramloo, which is progressing at the brisk pace in the direction of Trivikram Srinivas. Though there is still plenty of time left for the film’s release, the makers of Ala Vaikunthapuramloo are leaving no stone unturned with promotions. Post gaining rave reviews for first glimpse, posters and song track Samajavaragamana, Ramuloo Ramulaa, the makers have a special treat in store for Allu Arjun’ fans. The two songs that have come out of Ala Vaikunthapuramloo have been chartbusters so far and have created a superb buzz all over. The sources close to the film unit revealed that juicy update regarding the third song of Allu Arjun starrer. The film Ala Vaikunthapuramloo. will have another hit number (third song) which will have a Srikakulam folk touch.
The music director Thaman who has already impressed the music lovers and Allu Arjun’ fans, has once again getting ready to give a hit number.
The music for Ala Vaikunthapuramloo has been composed by S Thaman. Ala Vaikunthapuramloo has Aravinda Sametha Veera Raghava and Maharshi fame Pooja Hegde in the female lead and she is romancing Allu Arjun. It will be for the second time where one will get to see the onscreen pair of Allu Arjun and Pooja on big screen post their 2017 release DJ aka Duvvada Jagannadham.
Apart from the lead pair, the film Ala Vaikunthapuramloo also has Tabu, Jayaram, Navdeep Nivetha Pethuraj, Murali Sharma along with others in pivotal roles. Ala Vaikunthapuramloo is the third collaboration between Stylish Star Allu Arjun and Trivikram Srinivas. The actor-director duo has worked for Julayi and S/O Sathyamurthy. Ala Vaikunthapuramloo will hit the theaters on 12th January 2020.
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