The young and energetic actor Ram Pothineni is basking in the glory of his recent offering iSmart Shankar, which is helmed by Puri Jagannadh. The movie was hit at the box office. After the release of action and comedy entertainer iSmart Shankar, Ram Pothineni did not make any official announcement regarding his next upcoming project. But now according to the latest buzz in the film industry, Ram Pothineni has decided to go ahead with the remake of Tamil blockbuster Thadam, which will be helmed by Kishore Tirumala. The makers have locked two actresses- Nivetha Pethuraj and Malvika Sharma for the film of Ram Pothineni starrer.
The pre-production work of this upcoming untitled film has been already started. The sources close to the makers revealed that Dusky girl Nivetha Pethuraj and Nela Ticket fame Malvika Sharma are on the board to romance with Ram Pothineni in this action thriller, which will be bankrolled by Sri Sravanthi Movies.
The regular shoot of this film will be started from the second week of November and the makers are planning it to release during summer 2020.
On the other side, Ram Pothineni will also be seen in Double Ismart, a sequel to Ismart Shankar, which will go on the floor in the second half of 2020.
from NEWS – Tollywood