The young and energetic actor Ram Pothineni is enjoying the success of his recent offering iSmart Shankar, directed by Puri Jagannadh, which was a blockbuster at the box office. After the release of iSmart Shankar, the actor took a short break and now he is coming up with an upcoming untitled film, which is a remake of the superhit Tamil crime drama, Thadam. Ram Pothineni has accepted a dual role challenge.
Ram Pothineni will be essaying dual roles in Telugu remake of Tamil movie Thadam, and this will be his first-ever dual role feat in his career. The fans and the movie lovers are eagerly waiting to see how well the young actor Ram Pothineni is going to ace both the roles.
Ram Pothineni starrer has Nivetha Pethuraj of Chitralahari fame and Malvika Sharma in the female lead roles. The movie will be directed by Kishore Tirumala of Nenu Sailaja and Unnadi OKate Zindagi fame and will be bankrolled by Sravanthi Ravi Kishore. Ram Pothineni will be seen playing dual roles in this action thriller.
Ram Pothineni’s previous offering iSmart Shankar has increased the number of fans for the actor and his fan base is more among the ones who like those mass avatars.
The crime thriller drama Thadam is directed by Magizh Thirumeni and the movie starring Arun Vijay, Tanya Hope, and Vidya Pradeep.
from NEWS – Tollywood