Kollywood superstar Rajinikanth has already wrapped up the shoot of his upcoming much-awaited movie Darbar, directed by AR Murugadoss, in which he will be seen playing cop. After wrapping up the shoot, Rajinikanth along with his daughter Aishwarya will be visiting Kedarnath and Neelkanta mountain ranges in the Himalayas where his Guru Babaji’s ashram is located.
Rajinikanth is known for his spiritual inclinations, and he is popular for going to the Himalayas after every film release to recharge his ‘spiritual’ batteries.
Recently Rajinikanth was spotted at the airport along with his daughter Aishwarya Dhanush. They flew down to the Himalayas in search of peace and tranquility. Their trip to the Himalayas is a spiritual retreat. Rajinikanth and Aishwarya have gone to places like the Swami Dayananda Ashram and Badrinath temple and have also indulged in ritualistic activities like Ganga Arti.
Every time Rajinikanth wraps up a film, and before commencing his next movie, he visits the place to create inner peace in ashrams.
After coming back to Chennai, Rajinikanth will start the shooting for his upcoming untitled project Thalaivar 168 with director Siva, which will be produced by Sun Pictures. Apparently, D Imman is on the board to render the tune. The sources say that the regular shoot will commence from 12th December.
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