Recently released movie Kaithi/Khaidi starring Kollywood star Karthi has struck gold at the box office. The movie was released last Friday on the occasion of Diwali and received a thundering response from fans of south actor Karthi and movie lovers. The action entertainer Khaidi saw Karthi in a never seen before look. Karthi’s look from Kaithi was rugged and intense. The movie is an out and out treat to the fans. There is neither an actress nor songs in this flick but the director engaged the audience right from the beginning of the film that leaves them in awe. Currently, the movie Khaidi is running successfully at the box office and is doing decent collections. Karthi is getting a lot of appreciation from the fans and audience members for his performance in a powerful and action-packed role. Now according to the latest buzz in the film industry, Karthi is all set to star in Khaidi 2 as well.
Director Lokesh Kanagaraj announced the sequel to Khaidi in which Karthi will play the lead role. Currently, Lokesh Kanagaraj is going to direct Vijay starrer upcoming flick Thalapathy 64. After wrapping up the shoot of Thalapathy 64, Lokesh will make his comeback with Karthi starrer Khaidi 2.
Recently in an interview, Karthi himself confirmed that he will star in the movie Khaidi 2 which too will be helmed by Lokesh Kanagaraj.
The official trailer of Khaidi showed a chase between the police and goons who wanted to end the show for Karthi’s character. The official trailer had successfully generated a lot of curiosity among the fans and movie lovers who had eagerly waited for the film to hit the big screen. The movie Kahidi is produced by SR Prakashbabu and SR Prabhu under the banner Dream Warrior Pictures and co-produced by Tiruppur Vivek under the banner Vivekananda Pictures.
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