Aakanksha Singh has worked with Natural Star Nani and Akkineni Nagarjuna in Sriram Adittya’ directorial venture Devadas. Now according to the latest update, Aakanksha Singh, has been roped in an upcoming movie Clap in which Aadi Pinisetty is playing the lead role and the actress will be seen playing the role of Hockey player.
It is known news that in his previous offering Jersey, Nani played the role of cricketer and now his Devadas actress Aakanksha Singh is going to play hockey in her upcoming project.
After getting acclaim for her performances in Malli Raava and Devdas, Aakanksha Singh will be seen in a bilingual film, Clap, helmed by debutant Prithvi Aditya. While Aadi Pinisetty will play a sprinter, Aakanksha Singh will be seen playing the role of a hockey player in the sports drama.
Recently during the media interaction, Aakanksha Singh opened up about her upcoming movie Clap and said, “ I am playing the role of Mithra. I possess an emotionally strong attitude.” She added, “In my earlier films (Malli Raava and Devadas) my character had a fun side to it, but in this film, Clap, it will be an emotional ride.”
After delivering Jersey, Nani joined the sets of Gang Leader, which is progressing at the brisk pace in the direction of Vikram Kumar.
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