On the occasion of legendary NTR’s birth anniversary, 71-year-old legendary personality Raghavendra Rao made official announcement regarding his next upcoming project. In his tweet, K Raghavendra Rao revealed that the film will be made with three directors and three top heroines. It is heard that Now we have to wait and see that who will be these three directors and heroines. The film will be divided into three segments and National Award winning director Krish is said to have been signed on to direct one of the segments. The sources say that K Raghavendra Rao making an anthology film in the lines of ‘Lust Stories’. Now according to the latest update, the makers have roped Naga Shaurya in their Lust Stories and he will be seen sharing the screen space with all the three hotties.
Now, it has come out that the makers of this experimental film have zeroed in on young hero Naga Shaurya as the male lead. Apparently, Naga Shaurya will be the seen as the hero in all the three segments. However, the official announcement regarding the inclusion of Naga Shaurya is awaited. Baahubali producers Shobu Yarlagadda and Prasad Devineni are said to be bankrolling this upcoming project.
Currently Naga Shaurya is waiting for the release of his upcoming movie Oh Baby, in which Samantha Akkineni is playing the female lead.
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