It is known news that Kajal Aggarwal is playing the female lead in upcoming woman centric movie Sita in which Bellamkonda Sai Srinivas is playing the lead role. According to the latest update, the theatrical Trailer of Sita will be playing across all Telugu states with Mahesh Babu starrer Maharshi, which is arriving at the theaters tomorrow on 9th May 2019.
BA Raj has confirmed this news by sharing a poster and he wrote on his Twitter, “Theatrical Trailer of #Sita will be playing across all telugu states with #Maharshi #SitaArrivingOnMay24 #SitaTrailer #Teja @BSaiSreenivas @MsKajalAggarwal @SonuSood @memannara @anuprubens @AKentsOfficial @AnilSunkara1 @kishore_Atv @AbhishekOfficl.”
The production house AK Entertainment has also confirmed the same via a tweet, “meets All set to join the much anticipated journey of RISHI from tomorrow.. @urstrulyMahesh and Team, can’t wait to witness #MAHARSHI in theaters!!! #SitaTrailer #SitaArrivingOnMay24 #Teja @BSaiSreenivas @MsKajalAggarwal @SonuSood @memannara @AnilSunkara1.”
The movie lovers are very happy as Kajal Aggawal (Sita Trailer) is going to join the journey of Maharshi in which Mahesh Babu and Pooja Hegde are playing the lead roles.
Kajal Aggarwal is playing the love interest of Bellamkonda Sai Srinivas in Sita. Few days ago, the makers also released the teaser which received decent response by the movie lovers. Sonu Sood and Mannara Chopra are playing the supporting roles in Sita, which is scheduled to hit the theaters on 24th May.
from NEWS – Tollywood