It is known news that both Alia Bhatt and Ajay Devgn have been roped in upcoming multistarrer RRR, which is being directed by SS Rajamouli. Rangoli Chandel, the sister of Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut shared Tanushree Dutta‘s open letter and slammed Ajay Devgn and the makers of De De Pyaar De, and wrote that they are teasing the #MeToo movement by supporting fellow harassers and slyly mocking the victims. It is known news that Ajay Devgn is continuing to work with rape accused Alok Nath in ‘De De Pyaar De’.
Rangoli Chandel slammed Ajay Devgn on Twitter, saying ‘It is because of these men our country is a black spot on world map as far as crimes against women are concerned,shame on you bollywood for mocking #MeToo.”
“These men are so intoxicated with power and money, they are teasing the movement by supporting fellow harassers and slyly mocking the victims, also shamelessly defending their actions with lame excuses..”
“.and all those who are enjoying the sweetness of silence just because it is happening to somebody else’s daughter shall know the world is round and everything comes around #Metoo”
On the otherside, the controversial Telugu actress Sri Reddy who is trying to be in limelight, shared her opinion on this issue and wrote, “Kangana ranaut has to open her mouth now..see kangana,your sister is talking about me too now..shall I tell this to the world,that your sister is draging ajay devgan only sake of publicity??you are a dumb actress..learn from priyanka Chopra,she is more matured nd pride of India,well decent nd hard working..any how,sorry rangoli for the incident.”
Rangoli Chandel and Kangana Ranaut have recently been making headlines for their attacks on Alia Bhatt and her mother Soni Razdan.
Alia Bhatt will be seen playing the role of Sita and she will romance with Ram Charan in RRR whereas Ajay Devgn will play the crucial role.
RRR is being bankrolled by DVV Danayya and it has the music by MM Keeravani.
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