Few fake pics of gorgeous diva Rakul Preet Singh is going viral on the social media, citing that she experienced a nip-slip. Rakul Preet Singh is currently busy in the promotional activities of her upcoming Bollywood movie De De Pyaar De in which she will be seen sharing the screen space with Ajay Devgn. Few days ago the makers released a song and the actress received good response for her hot avatar in Vaddi Sharaban song in De De Pyaar De. Some miscreants have morphed the pic of Rakul Preet Singh and spread it on social media sites stating that she suffered a wardrobe malfunction and experienced a nip slip.
Now the fake pics of Rakul Preet Singh are going viral on social media sites- Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. In the morphed pic, Rakul Preet Singh is seen wearing pink and golden saree with the matching blouse.
Directed by Akiv Ali, which has delivered several blockbusters like Once Upon a Time in Mumbaai (2010), Barfi! (2012) and Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani (2013). De De Pyaar De starring Ajay Devgn, Rakul Preet Singh and Tabu. It’s a wedding song and crooned by Sunidhi Chauhan and Navraj Hans. It has the music by Vipin Patwa and the lyrics are penned by Kumaar.
Apart from De De Pyaar De, Rakul Preet Singh will also be seen in upcoming movies NGK starring Suriya, Sivakarthikeyan’s untitled film directed by R Ravikumar, Bollywood movie Marjaavan and Rahul Ravindran‘s directorial venture Telugu movie Manmadhudu 2 in which Nagarjuna is playing the lead role.
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