Veteran actor Radha Ravi, one of the most controversial names in Tamil Film Industry, recently made comments on lady superstar Nayantara during the Airaa trailer launch and questioned her character. In his speech, the Sarkar actor Radha Ravi said that these days filmmakers rope in ‘someone who sleeps around’ to play Sita and took a dig at Nayantara’ affairs. Radha Ravi also added, “Nayantara plays a ghost in Tamil films whereas goddess Sita in Telugu movies. In my days, we would cast actresses like KR Vijaya to play the role of Sita. Today, anybody can essay the role of Sita. Now Kollywood actor Vishal fired on Radha Ravi for making vulgar comments on Nayantara. Vishal has extended her support to Nayantara. Now the netizens are questing that when Chinmayi was accusing Vairamuthu for s*xual harassment, where was Vishal? Why did not Vishal support singer and dubbing artist Chinamyi Sripaada.
Vishal wrote on his Twitter, “Dear #radharavi SIR.Yes as a gen Secy of Nadigar sangam I wish I had da pleasure of signing the letter of condemning u 4 yr stupidity n yr recent speech against women n particular.its snt 2 u.grow yaself Ravi fm nowonwrds Coz u hv a woman s name n ya name.”
The netizens comment are as follows:
Karthik : Why you didn’t condemn in @Chinmayi case??? She raised complaints against #vairamuthu but your board still not take any action why??? instead of She banned from dubbing from October 2018. Treat equally… #radharavi #metoo.”
Karthik: Actually I asked why didn’t take any action on #vairamuthu. Am not support any individual support to all . This is common problem for all women just I mentioned on her name..
Subbu @kksubbu2003: When Chinmayi was banned by Radha rabbit, what did you do? Don’t be discriminated.
Senthilkumar @cmpasenthil: after dmk took action he comes n sound!!! After two days shame on u vishal
It is known news that Chinamyi herself named , Vairamuthu as a sexual harasser.
Dear #radharavi SIR.Yes as a gen Secy of Nadigar sangam I wish I had da pleasure of signing the letter of condemning u 4 yr stupidity n yr recent speech against women n particular.its snt 2 u.grow yaself Ravi fm nowonwrds Coz u hv a woman s name n ya name.
— Vishal (@VishalKOfficial) March 24, 2019
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