The young and energetic actor Vijay Deverakonda has extended her support to Mega Princess Niharika Konidela as he attended the pre release event of upcoming movie Suryakantam, which was held yesterday. On this occasion Vijay Deverakonda said, “When I came to know about the pre release event of Suryakantam, I felt like I should attend the event a do the ‘big brother’ duties.”
Vijay Deverakonda was the special guest at Suryakantam’s pre-release event. None of the Mega family stars like Naga Babu, Ram Charan and Varun Tej were available for the event. Stylish Star Allu Arjun was busy attending DJ Snake concert in Hyderabad on Saturday night, Ram Charan and Varun Tej are holidaying in California and father Naga Babu was in Narsapuram for the election campaign. So the team of Suryakantam decided to rope Vijay Deverakonda as Chief guest for the event.
Vijay Deverakonda took to his mike and said, “As Varun in USA and Charan anna also in USA, and Naga Babu garu is busy with politics, I felt like a big brother that I should grace Niharika Konidela starrer Suryakantam pre release event.” After hearing the word brother, Niharika Konidela shouted and said Thank You to Vijay Deverakonda.
Rajul Vijay is playing the lead in Niharika Konidela starrer ‘Suryakantam’, which is helmed by filmmaker Pranith and is being bankrolled by Nirvana Cinemas banner. The first look poster and teaser of Suryakantam have already grabbed several eyeballs and generated good buzz.
Few days ago, it was heard that Niharika Konidela is getting married to Vijay Deverakonda. But now, he has refuted the rumor.
from topstories – Tollywood