Mega Power Star Ram Charan is currently working with Baahubali film maker SS Rajamouli for an upcoming movie RRR. On the occasion of Ram Charan’ birthday, the makers of RRR released birthday poster and captioned it, “Wishing our Young and Dynamic Seetha Rama Raju, a very Happy Birthday! We wish you a year as energetic and zestful as you! #HBDRamCharan.”
During the press meet of RRR, SS Rajamouli made announcement that no poster will be released on the occasion of Ram Charan’ birthday but finally he made Mega fans happy by releasing this poster. But there is nothing special in the poster.
During the media interaction, RRR team released a poster consisting two faces of lead actors- young Tiger Jr NTR and Ram Charan, showcasing their characterizations. On the occasion of Ram Charan’ birthday, once again the makers of RRR released the news poster that features only Ram Charan’ fans. This new poster features same photo from the first poster.
Jr NTR will be seen playing the role of Komaram Bheem whereas Ram Charan is playing revolutionary Alluri Seetha Rama Raju. RRR is set in the 1920s and based on two legendary freedom fighters Komaram Bheem and Alluri Seetha Rama Raju.
Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt will be seen romancing with Ram Charan in RRR. Ajay Devgn, British actress Daisy Edgar Jones and Tamil actor P Samuthirakani are also the part of RRR, which will hit the theaters on 30th July, 2020.
Wishing our Young and Dynamic Seetha Rama Raju, a very Happy Birthday! We wish you a year as energetic and zestful as you! #HBDRamCharan
— RRR Movie (@RRRMovie) March 26, 2019
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