Recently Jana Sena Chief Pawan Kalyan made few inflammatory statements on Telangana that became highly controversial. During his election campaign in Bheemavaram, Pawan Kalyan said that KCR has divided the unity among Telugus and that several Andhra people were beaten up in Telangana. The actor turned politician Pawan Kalyan questioned, “is this Telangana or Pakistan?” Pawan Kalyan made these sensational statements after filing nominations in Bhimavaram. Now according to the latest update, a case has been filed against Pawan Kalyan in Jubilee Hills police Station.
On Saturday, Jubilee Hills police officials have received a complaint from Telangana advocate JAC against Jana Sena Chief Pawan Kalyan. The advocate JAC complained that actor turned politician Pawan Kalyan is wantedly provoking the people of both the states- Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. In their complaint, they requested the police officials to take necessary action against Pawan Kalyan.
Apart from Telangana advocate JAC, even TRS party leaders have also registered cases in Jubilee Hills and Chaitanyapuri police stations for Pawan’s comments on Telangana.
KTR also responded Pawan Kalyan’ comment and tweeted, “Dear @PawanKalyan Garu, I hope this was misrepresentation of your thoughts. As you’re aware, Telangana is home to people from 29 states who are living harmoniously since formation of the state. I am sure you agree with me that this sort of rhetoric creates undesirable negativity.”
from NEWS – Tollywood