Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao (KCR) is all set to expand his cabinet on Monday with the swearing-in ceremony for his ministers to be held at Raj Bhavan in Hyderabad by Governor E S L Narasimhan. KCR has chosen an ‘auspicious day’ for the swearing-in ceremony. For the last 2 months, the Telangana state had only one Minister, Mahmood Ali, who was allotted the Home portfolio and was sworn in with KCR. The ministers, according to reliable sources, whose names have been finalized are .
1. Koppula Eshwar (Karimnagar)
2. Jagadeeshwar Reddy (Nalgonda)
3. Niranjan Reddy (Mahbubnagar)
4. Prashant Reddy (Nizamabad)
5. Errabelli Dayakar Rao (Warangal)
6. Malla Reddy (Ranga Reddy)
7. Indrakaran Reddy (Adilabad)
8. Etela Rajendar Reddy (Karimnagar)
9. Talasani Srinivas (Hyderabad)
10. Srinivas Goud (Mahbubnagar)
Of them, Etala Rajender,Srinivas Yadav, Indrakaran Reddy, and Jagadishwar Reddy were ministers in the previous cabinet too and the rest will be the first-time ministers.
TRS Working President K T Rama Rao (KTR), KCR’s son, and T Harish Rao, the Chief Minister’s nephew, did not receive the cabinet rank. The names of KTR and T Harish Rao are not included in the new ministers’ list as their services are required for the party in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections.
Among new ministers, going by social composition, 5 are from Reddy community, 1 each from Schedule Caste (SC) and Velama community, 3 are from backward castes. There will be no representation from Scheduled Tribes (ST). In the previous cabinet, Chandulal had represented the Scheduled Tribes (ST) but he lost in the recent assembly elections.
from topstories – Tollywood