Nani and Vikram Kumar film has been launched with formal pooja ceremony few days ago. Number of celebrities attended the event as guests and noted director Koratala Siva gave the first clap. The source say that Nani will be seen playing the role a young person and an old one. Now everyone is eager to know that who will play the female leads in Nani and Vikram Kumar’s film. According to the latest update, there will be no starlets in this movie, the maker are introducing newcomers as the leading ladies.
They have already roped a Tamil beauty Priyanka Arul Mohan, a model, who has recently signed two films in Kollywood. She will be playing the female lead role in Nani starrer. Priyanka Arul Mohan also graced the launch event. The upcoming untitled film marks her debut in Tollywood. Currently the hunt for female leads is on. The makers are in the search of two more actresses for the crucial role. The regular shoot of the film has been already started.
It is heard that Vikram Kumar of Manam, 25 and Hello fame is going to explore a new dimension of his writing. For the first time, he has penned an out-and-out entertainer for Nani starrer. Kollywood sensational music composer Anirudh Ravichander is on the board to render the tune. The film will hit screens in the latter half of this year.
The sources say that it will not be an ordinary narrative. It will have drama, romance, twists and all other commercial elements. Mythri Movie Makers is producing this yet-to-be titled film and PC Sreeram is cranking the camera for Nani starrer.
Apart from Vikarm Kumar’s directorial venture, Natural Star Nani, will also be seen in Gowtam Thinnanuri directorial Jersey, a sport based drama in which U Turn fame Shraddha Srinath is playing the female lead.
from topstories – Tollywood