Ram Charan, the mega Power Star enjoys huge fan base in both Telugu states. Though his recent offering Vinaya Vidheya Rama is receiving negative response by the movies lovers and critics on its opening day but the movie lovers and Mega fans are appreciating the performance and dancing skill of Ram Charan. Now a video is going vial on social media sites in which a girl is seen climbing the auto and reaching the top of a huge cutout of Ram Charan and pouring milk.
According to the latest update, Ram Charan’s fans got a huge shock when the management of Venkateswara theatre cancelled the first shows as the sound system was not good and the dialogues and the songs were not audible. So they returned back the ticket price to the viewers. This made fans furious and started to protest against the theatre management.
Ram Charan’s Rangasthalam, which was released last year, was a landmark flick in the Telugu film industry. After churning out a blockbuster, Ram Charan made his comeback with action entertainer Vinaya Vidheya Rama, directed by Boyapati Srinu.
According to the traders report, Vinaya Vidheya Rama ran out of steam on Saturday and collected a share of around Rs 4 Cr at the AP/TS BO. This an above-average figure but not as good as expected. And, needless to say, this is a cause of worry for the makers.
Kiara Advani is playing the female lead and Vivek Oberoi is essaying an antagonist. Apart from the lead pair, Vinaya Vidheya Rama has other stars like Prashanth, Sneha, Aryan Rajesh, Madhumitha, Ravi Varma, Himaja, Chalapathi Rao, Harish Uthaman, Mukesh Rishi, Mahesh Manjrekar, Madhunandan, Saleem Baig, Jayaprakash, Hema, Prudhvi Raj, Esha Gupta and others in supporting roles.
Very soon Ram Charan will join the sets of his next upcoming big budget drama RRR, which will be helmed by Baahubali film maker SS Rajamouli.
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