Sarkar Collections: Sarkar starring Vijay, Keerthy Suresh and Varalakshmi Sarathkumar which was released on 6th November 2018, in a very grand manner, is running successfully at the box office. According to Umair Sandhu, Sarkar has collected Rs 100 Cr at Worldwide box office. He shared the collection figure of Sarkar on the Twitter, “#Sarkar is MEGA BLOCKBUSTER ! It crossed ” 100 cr ” Worldwide today. #Vijay’s Career Biggest HIT ever & also Biggest Blockbuster of 2018.”
In the US, Vijay starrer Sarkar has breached the half-a-million-dollar mark within 2 days of its release. Until 9 PM EST on Wednesday, Sarkar has grossed $48,578, taking its latest US total to $547,866 (Rs 3.97 cr). It is expected that Sarkar will surpass the $1 million milestone by the end of this week.
Sarkar had over 260 shows on day two in Chennai in 70 screens. The advance booking of tickets of AR Murugadoss’s directorial venture met with never-before kind of response from the public and multiplexes and single screens sold a huge number of tickets for the first three days. In Chennai city, Vijay’s Sarkar has performed well on the 2nd day at the Chennai box office and earned Rs 2.32 Cr. Not just in Chennai, Sarkar has done superb business across Tamil Nadu.
Abhirami Ramanathan, who is distributing Sarkar in Chennai, said. “I am very happy with the response of the movie.” Meanwhile, Sarkar has registered solid opening in US, UK and Australia.
The trade analyst Taran Adarsh has shared the collection figure of Sarkar at Australia box office. He wrote on Twitter, “#Sarkar sets #Australia BO on… Although the #Tamil biggie opened in #Australia on Tuesday [working day], the response is FANTABULOUS… Tuesday A$ 219,090 [₹ 1.16 cr] / 39 locations This is one of the BIGGEST STARTS by an Indian film in #Australia. @comScore.” #Sarkar mania grips #UK… A midweek release [Tuesday], yet the #Tamil biggie has embarked on an AWESOME start in #UK… In fact, such impressive numbers *on a weekday* are a rarity in this market… Tuesday £ 122,513 [₹ 1.17 cr] / 42 locations @comScore”
#Sarkar is MEGA BLOCKBUSTER ! It crossed ” 100 cr ” Worldwide today. #Vijay‘s Career Biggest HIT ever & also Biggest Blockbuster of 2018.
— Umair Sandhu (@sandhumerry) November 7, 2018
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