Vijay, Keerthy Suresh and Varalakshmi Sarathkumar starrer Sarkar, directed by AR Murugadoss, was released yesterday on 6th November 2018, in a very grand manner. On its opening day, it received mixed response by the movie lovers and critics.The movie has registered a record-breaking opening. According to Umair Sandhu, the movie has collected Rs 75 Cr at the worldwide box office on its opening day. He wrote on his Twitter,” #Sarkar SMASHED All Records in the History of Kollywood. It collected FANTASTIC ” 75 cr ” Worldwide on Opening Day. #Vijay is the No.1 Actor & King of Mass now.”
He again wrote, “#Sarkar Opening Day Figures SHOCKED the Indian Trade Experts !! First Time Ever in the History of Tamil Cinema #Vijay SMASHED #Rajinikanth Opening Day Records !! He Proved, He is the No.1 Actor of Kollywood.”
According to the traders report, Sarkar has earned Rs 2.37 Cr, which is the highest ever for a movie in Chennai. It means Vijay has crushed the record of Supersta Rajinikanth starrer Kaala, which minted little over Rs. 1.75 Cr.
AR Murugadoss-directorial venture Sarkar has been released in over 650 screens in Tamil Nadu. It has got the biggest opening in Chennai City. Sarkar was released in over 22 theatres and had over 330 shows on the first day. It has got a great opening across the state with an average 85 percent occupancy in theatres.
After Thupaki and Kaththi, this was the third time when Vijay and AR Murugadoss teamed up a movie. On the otherside, earlier both Vijay and Keerthy Suresh have worked together for hit movie Bhairava. This was the second time, when both the actors teamed up. Oscar award winning music director AR Rahman has scored the music of Sarkar. The big budget political drama is produced by Sun Pictures.
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