Vijay Devarakonda knows various unique ways to promote his movies. Currently the young and energetic actor is busy in the promotional activities of his upcoming movie Taxiwaala, which is gearing up for grand release on 17th November 2018. Yesterday, on the occasion of Diwali, Vijay Devarakonda sent his Diwali wishes to his fans and opened up about his dream and kids. He said, last time the kids came in his dream but this time they came directly to his home. Finally he has got green signal from the makers as they are going to release a video today evening and will reveal the reality behind Taxiwaala. Today the audiences will come to know what is the relation of kids with Taxiwaala. Vijay Devarakonda wrote on his Twitter, “Happy Diwali The kids are back. Last time they came in my dream, This time they came directly home. #RealityBehindTaxiwaala Tomorrow – evening.”
Rahul Sankrutyan debuts as a director with Vijay Devarakonda starrer Taxiwaala which also stars Priyanka Jawalkar. GA2 Pictures and UV Creations are jointly producing the film
Vijay Devarakonda was last seen in bilingual Tamil-Telugu drama NOTA, though the movie was decent hit in Tamil but it’s Telugu version was rejected by Telugu movie lovers. This time, the young actor is very confident on Taxiwaala. Vijay Deverakonda followers are eagerly waiting for his solo-hero film and they want to see their favourite actor to score another hit at the box office. Geetha Govindam actor is trying to impress all the sections of the audience with this film. He will be seen playing the role of a taxi driver in the horror-comedy entertainer.
The sources say that the story revolves around Vijay Deverakonda who happens to be a taxi driver. Incidentally, a ghost happens to become Vijay’s co-passenger, that ghost has few problems and how Vijay resolves them forms the basic essence. Apart from Taxiwaala, he is also busy in his next upcoming film Dear Comrade.
Happy Diwali
The kids are back.
Last time they came in my dream,
This time they came directly home.#RealityBehindTaxiwaala
Tomorrow – evening.— Vijay Deverakonda (@TheDeverakonda) November 7, 2018
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