Keerthy Suresh, played the role of south Indian legendary actress Savitri, in Mahanati, which was directed by Nag Ashwin. The actress won million of hearts with her wonderful performance and the movie was also turned out hit at the box office. Now Keerthy Suresh has taken a shocking decision on biopics. Recently during the media interaction, the actress said, “ I have decided to not act in any biopic in coming day. In fact, when the makers of Mahanati offered me to play the role of Savitri, I said no to them because I was not sure whether I can recreate the magic of Savitri on the screen. But now I am very happy as I got the opportunity to play the role of Savitri. It is like a crown in my career. But I have decided that in future, I will not act in any biopic.”
According to Keerthy Suresh, she doesn’t want to focus only on female-oriented scripts. Savitri is considered as the first female superstar in India. She had many ups and down in her life. Her life was an open book and everyone knew about her saga of triumphs and tribulations.
Keerthy Suresh was previously known for routine commercial films but Mahanati has catapulted her to superstardom.
Keerthy Suresh was last seen in Chiyaan Vikram starrer action and romantic entertainer Saamy 2 and today her movie Sandakozhi 2 is hitting the theaters, in which Vishal is playing the lead role. The film is directed by N. Linguswamy. It is a sequel to the successful Sandakozhi (2005). Vishal is playing dual role Balu & Siva whereas Keerthy Suresh is playing the role of Sembaruthi.
Keerthy Suresh will be next seen in political drama Sarkar starring Vijay, which is being directed by AR Murugadoss. Currently the film is in post production stage.
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