Uttam Kumar Reddy, Telangana Pradesh Congress Committee TPCC president, on Thursday alleged that K Chandrasekhar Rao (KCR) were involved in ‘Match Fixing’. Uttam Kumar Reddy said, “Without dissolving the assembly, what was the Election Commission of India (ECI) speaking to the chief minister about?” He alleged match-fixing between the Election Commission of India (ECI) and KCR on the early polls.
At a press Conference in Delhi, N Uttam Kumar Reddy said if there was no match-fixing what prompted KCR to say that he personally spoke to Chief Election Commissioner (RCI) and other Commissioners on the schedule. Uttam Kumar Reddy added, “KCR announced the schedule that elections will be held in November and the results will be out in the first week of December.” Referring to this discussion, Uttam Kumar Reddy said that ‘the ECI and CM KCR were involved in match fixing. He further said, “KCR family has looted the wealth of Telangana and indulged in corruptions.”
N Uttam Kumar Reddy lambasted Chief Minister (KCR), for calling for elections by dissolving the legislative Assembly. Uttam Kumar Reddy said, “The last 4 years of KCR’s rule was marked by lies, cheating and corruption. Instead of lying on Telangana’s growth, CM KCR should explain on the delivery of TRS’s 2014 election promises.” Uttam Kumar Reddy questioned KCR, “To what extent did the TRS fulfill the promises of 3 acres of land to dalits, double bedroom houses, and reservations to the Muslim minorities and tribals?”
KCR has released the list of of TRS candidates for Telangana assembly elections but he did not announce the TRS candidates to Huzurnagar and Kodada assembly constituencies from where N Uttam Kumar Reddy and his wife Uttam Padmavati were elected MLAs respectively in 2014 elections. The sources say that K Chandrasekhar Rao is planning to field the strong leaders.
Kancharla Bhupal Reddy, the independent candidate who was runner-up in 2014 elections for Nalgonda constituency, is the Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS)’s MLA candidate here, according to the list of 105 candidates revealed by CM KCR on Thursday. Kancharla Bhupal Reddy, belongs to the Telugu Desam Party since his youth, joined the Telangana Rashtra Samithi last November, and since then functioned as the party’s in-charge for Nalgonda. He said, “I feel lucky for being offered the ticket. Decades of sincere work that I had put in the TDP (Telugu Desam Party) never earned me such recognition.” He expressed confidence over winning the contest.
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