Upasana, the wife of Mega Power Star Ram Charan has shared a video on her Twitter and captioned it, “Mr C on fire- want to see the full video ? #ramcharan.” Coming on the Video, Ram Charan is seen doing cooking with someone. Later once again Upasana took to her Twitter to share few pics of Ram Charan and came up with an interesting caption, “Taking the boys out for a healthy lunch ! #kanalkanan @DVVMovies @isak_cheff #ramcharan #rc12.”
On several occasions, Upasana has revealed that the secret of Ram Charan Teja’s deadly good looks and amazing physique is his strict fitness routine and diet regime. Whenever Upasana prepares the food for her hubby and best friend Ram Charan (Mr C), she takes very special care for ingredients that she uses.
Mega fans are going gaga over after watching the look of Ram Charan in the video and pics. Few comments are as follows:
Tharak Chukkala @ChukkalaTharak: Ramcharan looks awesome
M Ajay Anand @ajay41018: cherry looks simply dashing
Chandan Kumar @Chandan66044923: Ram Charan ur looking ossum
Ganesh Royal @GaneshR64817543: DVV movies MPSRC Anna look super Annayya
Mahesh Cult !! @PaVaN_KrisHna: Cherry looking
Meanwhile Ram Charan is currently romancing with Bollywood beauty Kiara Advani, in his next upcoming film RC12, which is being directed by Boyapati Srinu and bankrolled by DVV Danayya under the banner of DVV Entertainment in which Vivek Oberoi is playing the main villain.
Ram Charan was last seen in village based drama Rangasthalam, which was directed by Sukumar and shared the screen space with Samantha Akkineni. The movie was blockbuster and crushed several pre existing records at the box office. It is expected that in the month of October, Ram Charan’s next film with SS Rajamouli, will be launched, in which he will be seen with Young Tiger Jr NTR.
Mr C on fire – want to see the full video ? #ramcharan pic.twitter.com/1ugNsMrcdR
— Upasana Kamineni (@upasanakonidela) September 25, 2018
Taking the boys out for a healthy lunch ! #kanalkanan @DVVMovies @isak_cheff #ramcharan #rc12 pic.twitter.com/dlUxMSFNoi
— Upasana Kamineni (@upasanakonidela) September 25, 2018
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