Nandamuri Balakrishna and Sumanth Akkineni are busy in the shoot of NTR biopic, which is being helmed by Krish. It is known news that Balakrishna is playing his father NTR whereas Sumanth is essaying the role of his grandfather ANR in NTR biopic. NTR and ANR were very closed together and shared good rapport. Today Sumanth shared his look poster from NTR biopic in the morning on the occasion of ANR’s birth anniversary, which received thumbing response. Now he took to his Instagram to share a poster that features the lighter moment. He captioned it, “Recreating the legendary brotherhood #NTR #ANR #NTRBiopic.” Coming on the poster, both NTR and ANR are seen smoking together and this pic is going viral. The production house NBK house also shared the same poster and captioned it, “The main pillars of Telugu Film Industry #NTR and #ANR from #NTRBiopic essayed by #NandamuriBalakrishna and @isumanth #NBK @DirKrish @NBKFilms_ @VaaraahiCC @vishinduri @mmkeeravaani @gnanashekarvs @RanaDaggubati.”
The movie lovers are confused to choose which is better over the other. Few comments are as follows:
తెలుగు తేజం – #SahoCBN #CBN4AP ♂️ ️ @doddala: Guys, give us a breather, maaan, we are already confused to choose which is better over the other. Every pic released is an epic in itself. Which character in Mahabharata is your favourite? Same is this epic #NTRBiopic #NBK103 #NandamuriBalakrishna
kasa.rajesh: Amazing u both same looks like NTR & ANR
ramdredd: I think no one ever re-create them…..#nooffence#peace
yarlee_villain: Two legends of TFI from krishna district
kasa.rajesh: Amazing u both same looks like NTR & ANR..
NTR biopic also features Vidya Balan, Rana Daggubati, Rakul Preet Singh and Jisshu Sengupta in supporting roles. Vidya Balan is essaying the role of wife of NTR, Basavatarakam whom he married when he was 20 years old and Rana Daggubati is playing Chandrababu Naidu in NTR biopic, which is expected to hit the screens in 2019.
The main pillars of Telugu Film Industry #NTR and #ANR from #NTRBiopic essayed by #NandamuriBalakrishna and @isumanth#NBK @DirKrish @NBKFilms_ @VaaraahiCC @vishinduri @mmkeeravaani @gnanashekarvs @RanaDaggubati
— NBK FILMS (@NBKFilms_) September 20, 2018
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