Vijay Deverakonda is making his Tamil debut with an upcoming political drama NOTA. Today Kollywood star Suriya unveiled the trailer of this upcoming film. Suriya tweeted, “Here’s the #NOTA Tamil Trailer! Hey #Rowdy @TheDeverakonda Hearty welcome to the Tamil Film Industry! Be loved and blessed as always..!! #NOTATrailer @anandshank @Mehreenpirzada @SamCSmusic @dop_santha @kegvraja @StudioGreen2 @LahariMusic.”
Vijay Deverakonda thanked to Surya and retweeted, “Suriya sirr, thank you Biggest.”
The makers of Vijay Deverakonda starrer, created quite an excitement among the fans by sharing a teaser, a day ago the official trailer release. The actor, who is known for bringing some powerful performance, has comeback with NOTA. In the trailer, Vijay Deverakonda is seen playing a powerful politician and showcases some dirty side of politics. He is also seen involved in drugs and is seen as a partyholic man but later he becomes the chief Minister of the state. Mehreen Kaur Pirzada is playing a journalist. The trailer of NOTA, introduces Vijay Deverkonda as a rowdy and a complete ladiesman.
Actor Siddhartha praised the trailer of NOTA and wrote, “Superb! Welcome to Tamil Cinema @TheDeverakonda Looking sharp! Nicely done @anandshank with a superb technical team! #NOTA.”
Vijay Deverakonda became popular after delivering successful movie Yevade Subramanyam in which Natural Star Nani played the lead role. Since then, there has been no looking back for the Arjun Reddy star. Vijay Deverakonda has been the part of four movies, which have turned the tables for him.
Recently during the media interaction, director Anand Shankar said, Vijay Deverakona performed a 3-page dialogue in Tamil in a single take. He also wrote on the Twitter, “@TheDeverakonda just performed a 3 page intense Tamil dialogue scene in ONE TAKE. Sathyaraj sir and all my other artists stunned. We finished shoot early today. Vijay Deverakonda is amazing.”
from topstories – Tollywood